Vol. 61, n° 9-10, September-October 2006
Guest editors
Georg Carle, University of Tübingen, Germany
Mikaël Salaun, France Télécom R&D, France
Mikhail Smirnov, FOKUS Fraunhofer-Institute, Germany
Vol. 61, n° 9-10, September-October 2006
Guest editors
Georg Carle, University of Tübingen, Germany
Mikaël Salaun, France Télécom R&D, France
Mikhail Smirnov, FOKUS Fraunhofer-Institute, Germany
Vol. 61, n° 7-8, July-August 2006
Guest editors
Isabelle de Lamberterie, CNRS, France
Xavier Strubel, GET/INT, France
Vol. 61, n° 5-6, May-June 2006
– Integration of the digital signature in the protocol SSL/TLS; Ahmed Serhrouchni, Ibrahim Hajjeh
– Quality of service management investigation in UMTS network; Mounir Frikha, Khaled Ben Younes, Ahmed Kolsi
– Improvement of the sensitivity detection and quality of radargram for a GPR by a micro-wave modulation; Jamal Belkadid, Saad Dosse Bennani, Mounir Rifi
– Simple iterative receivers for MIMO LP-OFDM systems; Pierre-Jean Bouvet, Maryline Hélard, Vincent Le Nir
– Strategy oriented topology control based on mobile dedicated routers; Rabah Meraihi, Gwendal Le Grand
– Accurate characterization of intermodulation noise in multi carrier wide band power amplifiers based on a digital synthesis of pseudo noise gaussian stimuli; Tibault Reveyrand, Denis Barataud, Jean-Michel Nebus, Alain Mallet, Francis Gizard, Luc Lapierre, Jacques Sombrin
– Parallel interference cancellation efficiency for noisy signals in O-CDMA system; Claire Goursaud, Anne Julien-Vergonjanne, Christelle Aupetit-Berthelemot, Jean-Pierre Cances, Jean-Michel Dumas
– Secure time-stamping schemes: a distributed point of view; Alexis Bonnecaze, Pierre Liardet, Alban Gabillon, Kaouther Blibech
– WebAnalyzer: accurate detection of HTTP attack traces in web server logs; Hervé Debar, Elvis Tombini
– On the effect of a spherical shield on the radiation Q and efficiency of ideal dipole antennas; Johan C.-E. Sten, Arto Hujanen
– Illumination of lines or cables network by a lightning wave modeling by current generators; Sabrina Mezoued, Senaa Kaouche, Bachir Nekhoul, Kamal Kerroum, Khalil El Khamlichi Drissi, Françoise Paladian
Vol. 61, n° 3-4, March-April 2006
Guest editors
Frédéric Cuppens, GET/ENST Bretagne, France
Hervé Debar, France Télécom R&D, France
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
Vol. 61, n° 1-2, January-February 2006
Guest editors
Congduc Pham, University of Pau, France
Guy Leduc, University of Liège, Belgium
Vol. 60, n° 11-12, November-December 2005
Guest editors
Mohamed Daoudi, GET/Télécom Lille 1, France
Gérard Eude, France Télécom R&D, France
Vol. 60, n° 9-10, September-October 2005
– The structure of international Internet hyperlinks and bilateral bandwidth; George A. Barnett, Han Woo Park
– Reactive congestion control algorithm in an ATM node; Abdelmalek Dada, Abdelhak Bennia
– A tabu heuristic for routing and wavelength assignment with failure scenarios; Christiane Dzongang, Philippe Galinier, Samuel Pierre
– Tunable optical coupler; Camille Nziengui Mabika, Henri Serge Moukila
– Characterization of electromagnetic emission due to power line communication (PLC) networks; Lamine Koné, Richard Razafferson, Bernard Démoulin, Fabienne Moulin, Frédéric Gauthier, Ahmed Zeddam
– Iterative correction of phase noise and nonlinear distortion in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems; François Marx, Joumana Farah, Clovis Francis
– A simple computer program for microwave radio link performance analysis; Memduh Can, A. Hamit Serbest
– Indoor environments propagation simulation using a hybrid MoM and UTD electromagnetic method; Stelios A. Mitilineos, Stylianos C. Panagiotou, Pantelis K. Varlamos, Christos N. Capsalis
– Modelisation and time-frequency analysis of reflected signals obtained for a guided transmission line in a stratified medium; Jamal Belkadid, Saad Dosse Bennani, Mounir Rifi
– Service Level Agreement in optical networks; Michel Du-Pond, Olivier Audouin, Bela Berde, Belkacem Daheb, Wissam Fawaz, Guy Pujolle, Martin Vigoureux
Vol. 60, n° 7-8, July-August 2005
Guest editors
Otto Carlos Duarte, UFRJ, Brazil
Guy Pujolle, UPMC, Paris, France
Vol. 60, n° 5-6, May-June 2005
– Anonymous and Secure Electronic Transaction protocol; Srecko Brlek, Sardaouna Hamadou, John Mullins
– Distributed mapping of the internet topology; Mickaël Hoerdt, Damien Magoni
– A multi-protocol and multi-service validation platform – experimentation results; Pierre Combes,Wei Monin, Ana Cavalli, Amel Mederreg, Fatiha Zaïdi, Richard Castanet, Marcien Mackaya, Patrice Laurençot
– IP-based transport of voice traffic in the UMTS radio access network: analytical study and empirical validation; Abedellatif Samhat , Tijani Chahed, Mehdi Sabeur
– Expressions of the field diffracted by an inclusion; Jean-Michel L. Bernard, Daniel Bouche, Ivan Andronov, Frédérik Guyon
– Experimental comparison of stochastic MIMO channel models; Jean-François Pardonche, Marion Berbineau, Christophe Seguinot
– Robust Time-Frequency Distributions based on the robust Short Time Fourier Transform; Igor Djurovic, LJubis¡a Stankovic, Braham Barkat
– Study of the short pulse generation of the three quarter wave shift DFB laser (3QWS-DFB); Abdelkarim Zatni, Mohamed Elha, Abdallah Rhattoy, Ammar Sharaiha, Jean Le Bihan
– MPNT: a multi-protocolar broadcasting architecture; Karim Sbata, Rédouane Benaini, Pierre Vincent
– Optimized trellis coded vector quantization of speech coder LSF parameters; Merouane Bouzid, Amar Djeradi
– LDPC-based space-time coded OFDM systems: Turbo-EM receiver design with channel state information guessing algorithms; Guillaume Ferré, Mohamad Jamalullil Syed, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi, Jean-Michel Dumas